USDA Plants Database
This database provides standardized information which includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distribution data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, automated tools, onward web links, and references.
Search for your crop, then go to the Plant Profile. Use tabs such as General Information and Characteristics to access Classification, Plant Guide, and other relevant information.
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
A great place to search for specific US crop information. Under Data and Statistics tab, you'll find the Quick Stats Database. It's the most comprehensive tool for accessing agricultural data published by NASS. It allows you to customize your query by commodity, location, or time period.
Use this site to find historical data for your crop, then download the spreadsheet and create graphs.
USDA Census of Agriculture
The Census of Agriculture, taken once every five years, looks at land use and ownership, operator characteristics, production practices, income and expenditures. It provides the only source of uniform, comprehensive and impartial agricultural data for every county in the nation.The most recent report is the 2017 Census. Cornell University has digitized the contents of the Census of Agriculture from 1840 to 2002. IPUMS NHGIS has data from 1840-1950.
Missouri Department of Agriculture
The Department of Agriculture houses five divisions including Ag Business Development, Animal Health, Grain Inspection & Warehousing, Plant Industries and Weights, Measures & Consumer Protection.
Missouri Crop Resource Guide
The Missouri Crop Resource Guide is intended to provide the best available information for Missouri crop producers. The guide offers practical resources that will promote profitable and sustainable crop production.
The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
A catalog of common and scientific names and their synonyms that include most species found in Canada, Mexico and the United States. A result of a partnership of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agencies; other organizations; and taxonomic specialists.
The International Plant Names Index (IPNI)
A collaboration between The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Harvard University Herbaria, and the Australian National Herbarium, IPNI is a database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of seed plants, ferns and lycophytes.
The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) specializes in identifying resources about sustainable food systems and practices in support of USDA's effort to ensure a sustainable future for agriculture and farmers worldwide.
The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA) is a program developed and managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). The majority of funding for ATTRA is through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education
Since 1988, the SARE grants and education program has advanced agricultural innovation that promotes profitability, stewardship of the land, air and water, and quality of life for farmers, ranchers and their communities. SARE Outreach operates under cooperative agreements with the University of Maryland supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Statistics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available.