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Plagiarism 101

Learn the in's and out's of Plagirism


Plagiarism is a big issue. As you can see in the image above, there have been many accusations of plagiarism in the news.  

One notable instance was the discovery that conservative commentator Monica Crowley plagiarized many passages in her dissertation.  Scroll down to the bottom of the article to see the plagiarized passages.

Trump aide Monica Crowley plagiarized thousands of words in Ph.D. dissertation​

In an academic setting, there are real consequences if you plagiarize content in your research assignments.  

Below is an excerpt from the student handbook:

The following discipline may be taken if a student is determined to be guilty of academic dishonesty:

Faculty options:

  • Repeating the assignment or completing an alternative one.
  • Issuing a warning or providing counseling.
  • Assigning a grade of “I” until the alleged violation is adjudicated.
  • Giving a failing grade for the assignment.
  • Assigning a grade of “F” for the course.
    • Where faculty assign a grade of F for the assignment or the course, a report will be sent to the appropriate chair and dean. A database of student violations will be managed by the Dean of Student Success Office.

Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Option:

  • Multiple or extremely serious violations may result in disenrollment from the college