To help you utilize reliable and relevant sources, two journal articles are listed for each disorder and Quick Lessons are provided as well if available in CINAHL. Quick Lessons are clinically organized nursing overviews, with information such as description/etiology, signs and symptoms, assessment, treatment goals, red flags, and what to tell the patient/patient’s family. While Quick Lessons are written, edited, and reviewed by RNs, they are not considered journal articles. So, use this source for background information and helpful references.
You may use one or both articles for your project, but you must find one article on your own. Please follow the professor's instruction for requirements on sources. If you need a refresher on how to search CINAHL, please follow the step by step instructions below.
Searching CINAHL
At the top of this research guide, find the Databases and Journals tab. Right click to open a new Databases and Journals tab in the same browser so you can keep this page and check back for instructions.
At Databases and Journals page, select CINAHL Complete, login with your Canvas login and password.
Click Advanced Search below the search box. Type the name of the disorder in the search box, more terms can be used such as: medications, ethical..., don't click Search yet.
Scroll down to Search Options, under Limit your results, select Evidence-Based Practice and/or other options, click Search.
Evaluate your results, look to the left side for more options for refining your results such as Full-text, Date range or Age group.
Click and open titles, read abstracts, email/print articles or request articles using the request link. Remember to get the citations (Cite icon to the right side) while you are at it.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
Bipolar disorder
Family-Focused Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: Reflections on 30 Years of Research
Borderline personality disorder
Treating Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder Through Narrative Therapy and Naltrexone
Conduct Disorder
The Global Prevalence of Conduct Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Generalized anxiety disorder
Psychopharmacology in Pediatric Mixed Anxiety Disorder: An Evidence-based Review
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Major depressive disorder
Prediction of treatment outcomes to exercise in patients with nonremitted major depressive disorder.
Obsessive compulsive disorder
A practical guide to the management of phobias
Ultra-brief behavioral skills trainings for blood injection injury phobia
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Family-Focused Treatments for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A Case Study on Promoting Neuroplasticity in a Patient With Schizophrenia
Managing Agitation Associated with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in the Emergency Setting
Suicide assessment and treatment: Gaps between theory, research, and practice
Evidence-based gatekeeper suicide prevention in a small community context
Long-term Outcomes of Behavior Therapy for Youth With Tourette Disorder