The most common reason for login errors is when users aren't registered for the current semester.
Only currently registered students, faculty, and staff can access library databases off-campus.
If you are still having problems, use our online chat or call the Reference Desk (636-922-8620) and we'll troubleshoot to get you access.
When your professor says you need to use scholarly articles, what they mean is that the article has to be written by a scholar. You can find articles written by scholars on the Internet but many times those articles can't be viewed without paying for them.
Luckily the library already pays for access to these types of articles in the library databases! You can access the databases from our home page by clicking on the teal button that reads "Library Databases"
All of the library databases contain scholarly articles but a good one to start with is Academic Search Premier because it has a large number of articles on almost any topic.
For more information on the difference between popular and scholarly sources watch this 3 minute video.
EBSCO is a company that produces online databases and we pay for access to many of their different databases. If your instructor said to use EBSCO they probably meant to use Academic Search Premier which is the largest EBSCO database we have.
Still confused? Watch this video to find out more about accessing articles through our website.